Friday, August 5, 2011

Notes From The Stage Manager - Twas a rough night.

Readers!!! Did you miss us? I bet you did. As you know, Yorick is in hell week number two as we OPEN for our SECOND WEEKEND!! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY!! 7:30 P.M.!!!! Tall Trees Amphitheater!!! Monroeville Community Park West!!!! BE THERE!!!

Now that my shameless plug is complete (this is a Macbeth/Yorick blog after all), I wanted to share with you a bit of a hysterical adventure the production team and a few dedicated actors had last week at the final dress rehearsal......

It was a calm, humid beginning to the tech set up. We believe in task lists for efficiency and spreading out the responsibility load, so all were at their assigned posts. I got there a bit early to get the light and sound board up so when my amazing ASM Rachel got there, we could plug things in, get a sound check, work with the wireless mic, play with sound effects and be on our merry way. Mother Nature, however, had another destiny for us. Let me just say this.....'Tempest' has nothing on Yorick. NOT. A. THING.

Before we knew it we saw it.....the cloud. The Deathstar of all thunderclouds. About two seconds later.....Gale force winds, slanting thick buckets of rain, thunder that could wake the dead and lightning streaking across the sky in all directions. Go Production Team!! We have a Director, Producer, Stage Manager and Asst. Stage Manager hanging for dear life onto the corners of the tent, ironically meant to protect things from rain.....As I scream for help I get Lennox and Macduff son charging up the hill to come to our aid. Valiant cousins! Worthy gentlemen!

We are just hanging out, getting drenched, holding onto things, using our bodies as warlike shields as Mother Nature rages on for about 20 minutes. We gather our goods to transport back and forth, back and forth. My script? IT SURVIVED!! As did all the cues. For the win.

We finally all make it down to the amphitheater, soaked to the bone, ringing out clothing, watching the newly formed rivers barrel down the pathway. Did this stop us? Ha! In your witch filled dreams. We dried off as best we could, and on with final dress. I would also like to point out we only started five minutes late. I really do not know how much more amazing we can get.

What was it like with lightning aversion therapy and hanging on for dear life? Kristin, please insert water-logged picture here:

note from Kristin: Yeah, it kind of looked like Atlantis. But with less fish and more downed trees.
So there is no curse....right????

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