Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Macbeth + Costuming = MacHilarity, Part I

Bobby Karimi has been hard at work sewing various pleats and skirts, de-lace-ing gowns and grappling with sleeplessness, I'm sure. We've had only a few fashion faux pas so far, so without further ado, I'll let Bobby himself share some of the ensuing hilarity:

My first introduction to Poor Yorick's Players can only be described as a botchy audition. I mentioned I also did costuming, and a few weeks later I get a call for a small part and a lovely position as costume designer. I'm in cloud nine right now. Careful planning with the oh-so-amazing Director extraordinaire, Julie Babal, and communication with cast members, has let us remain under budget (brings a tear of happiness to my eye to write), and have a nice array of costumes that can be reused in the future.

At this point, you may be asking yourself, "But Bobby, where's the MacHilarity promised by the title of this post?" Simmer down young Padawan learner, you can't laugh if you don't know the plot:

Several hours and $500 dollars of fabric/supplies later, I find myself in my tiny apartment with a dear friend (here's a shout out to Bailey!) ready to sew till we drop (there was no dropping though...maybe a few pins here and there, nothing that a foot can't find later). A few hours later, Bailey pulls out the fabric steamer, courtesy of our remaining budget, and starts to steam fabric with only a few self-inflicted burns. After the third minor burn she turns off the machine and unplugs it so we can eat (chinese, if you cared). And have you guessed what happens? No? Once the meal is done and some lackluster fortunes are read, Bailey turns the machine back on...did you figure it out yet? About, maybe 10 minutes later I hear, "Bobby, I think the steamer is busted..." I quickly stand up explaining how it's a new machine, etc etc...and then I notice it...

"Um, Bailey...did you put water in the tank?"

She nods yes.

"Did you turn the machine on?"

She nods yes.

"Did you happen to plug in the machine at some point in the last 10 minutes?

"Her eyes widen and glance at the outlet at the wall. Then, with a playful shove and an "Oh my Gawd!" (further expletives may have been used) she plugs the steamer in.

This was just the beginning of a series of funny incidents. I happened to be making a tunic for Lady MacDuff...while using Lady MacBeth's measurements...and let me tell you...their busts are not the same size, but lucky for me I managed to fix it! And by "it" I am referring to the tunic, not their busts. During the process of reopening the seams, I realized I was opening the seams on the bottom of my shirt. This was quickly followed by me rehearsing by lines in the shower at 5 AM and accidently replacing the word "scale" with "squirrel."

"Faith, here's an equivocator, who could swear in both the squirrels against either squirrel..."

I will not confirm that my roommate heard me and couldn't stop laughing. I will also not confirm that with no sleep I stared for about 20 minutes at 5 yards of gold polyester lining wondering what it was for, only to realizing it was lining for a cape. I picked up the fabric to notice a post it note reminding me that it was for a cape, who's cape, and the measurements (D'Oh!).

Breakfast was a blur, especially after I got in the car and realized I didn't eat breakfast. I was too distracted by adding lace to Lady MacBeth's dress. The drive to rehearsal/costume fittings was...oh lord, long. Traffic, and me not able to figure out why my phone was playing the same song over and over...yea, it was on repeat and I didn't notice.

And for the curious: My foot found 3 pins and the needle I threaded with invisible thread, but couldn't find when it fell off the table. I suppose the invisible thread really lived up to its name...

Part II to come...

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